
Monday, January 31, 2011

Making Every Word Count

The dozen or so people gathering at the Neptune Public Library appear as diverse as the Pitt-Jolie family. Yet despite being of both genders and of every age they're confident, friendly and wearing plastic name badges. They gather twice a month for the Shore Speakers Toastmasters meeting.

Toastmasters has been teaching people how to improve their public speaking since 1924. 60 percent of its clubs are now in corporations. There are toastmaster clubs at Bank of America, Caterpillar, Intel, Microsoft and Wells Fargo. Aspiring rhetoricians join because they're looking to enhance their career prospects.

It's also a great way to work on one's networking. Not only at the club's meeting but also being better prepared when speaking with others at daily events like Chamber meetings, After-hour functions and even at a play or the lobby of the movies. Anywhere you may have to speak to people!

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.
Charter Member of the Shore Speakers Toastmasters Club

Friday, January 21, 2011

Weird Sites (Businesses)

Yes, weird websites (Businesses) are interesting. Being such, more people will point to them. There is even a Top 100 Weird Sites list on the web.

But is being weird so bad? For businesses maybe yes, maybe no. I recently met an owner of a business that had a weird business at least to me. A very nice guy he does Canine & Equine Massage Therapy. After talking to him I was actually able to point him to a client. This former employee owns a horse and she has already introduced him to the owner of the farm where she keeps it. You never know!

Mentioned this equine therapist at my BNI meeting yesterday and a member sent me the contact information, via email, of a reporter looking for people who had strange jobs. I believed this fits the bill. Massaging a horse... So I passed this info on to the business owner.

Just goes to show... You never know what will help "get the word out!"

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Local Newsletters

Do you contribute to your local online newsletters? Most are indexed in Google and if you are looking for content for your website... Well? Take the Jersey Shore Community Information Bulletin Archives for example. The JSCIB (for short) is a local newsletter about events at the Jersey Shore. Published online since 1996 with over 10,000 subscribers this email newsletter has all of its past issues indexed on line.

Local newsletters like this are always looking for additional content and as a busines or organization it would make sense to be mentioned in it. Enough said!

So do you know of any other Local email or online newsletters?

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Face to Face with Facebook

Did you or your clients get those nifty new devices for Christmas? You know, the smart phones and the like. They all have web access on them. That means FaceBook and Twitter!

Can you use them? Should you use them? Read several articles this past week addressing the use of Facebook by Colleges, Fraternities and yes even businesses to keep in touch. Not saying you must but it is a good idea to get connected to old college buddies. What Firms are they with now? Are they managers at Corporations you've been trying to get into?

Facebook and other social media are changing society in dramatic ways. However, many people are still afraid to use social networks for different reasons. Usually citing lack of time as the main reason they don't use Facebook. It can be a time waster but so can watching mindless TV. Common Sense is the key here. Limiting your time on Facebook (like limiting your kid's TV time... You do limit their time watching TV? Right?) can make it very productive.

Spending only a few minutes a day can open up a whole new world to you and your business...

How much time do you spend on Facebook daily?

Richard M.J. Jarosz

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why you should submit your website

You don't get very high search engine rankings just by submitting your website to search engines. That is very important to know.

1. You invite search engines to visit your website
When you submit your website to a search engine, you basically ask the search engine spiders to visit your website and to evaluate it. If the search engine spiders cannot find anything useful on your site, they won't list your website. It doesn't make any sense to submit your website to search engines if you haven't
optimized it before.

2. You get links from related websites
By submitting your website to Internet directories, you can get inbound links from related web pages. Usually, the category pages on Internet directories are considered related web pages if your website fits in the selected category. Inbound links can greatly increase the search engine rankings of a website if the links contain the right keywords and if the links come from related web pages. For that reason, links from Internet directories can have a very positive effect on the search engine rankings of your website.

Web page optimization and link building are more important than search engine submission. However, search engine submission still helps to inform search engines and Internet directories about your website. It's a start!

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.