
Monday, January 23, 2012

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free tool used by website owners to monitor their name, brand name, key industry terms and competitors.

Why Receive Alerts?
Google Alerts enable you to easily monitor the Internet for desired keywords, sending you email messages when these terms are being used.

For example, I use Google Alerts to monitor the word “Jarosz” along with “Lone Keep Internet” and “” It’s one way to find out where news of me, my company and websites is popping up.

Google Alerts are useful to webmasters who don’t have the time or resources to be proactive about monitoring the Web for specific mentions. Google does the searching for you!

When signing up for Google Alerts, you can select the type of content you want Google to look for (e.g., blogpost, news articles, video, etc) and how often notifications are sent.

Give it a try it's Free! All you need is a Google account and that's Free to!

Richard M.J. Jarosz on LinkedIn
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.