
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Will the Internet Save my Business?

Will the Internet Save my Business?
The short answer is NO! But it will help you grow your business.

What I mean by that is if you are looking to jump onto the 'Net as a last resort to try to get sales to save you business it won't work! Heresy you say! I just got off the phone with a prospect. Months ago he wanted to promote his website, use Adsense and basically turn his internet presence into a source of revenue. He complained about the cost and work necessary to do that and never pursued it. Well as I always do, I keep track of prospects (some finally come to their senses) and followed up with him after a few months. He is out of business and moved to Michigan.

I have a number of stories like this. Now if you apply the lessons learned and you have a plan and means then yes, it can help your business grow.

Lone Keep Internet hosts FREE seminars on this subject and more... The last few have been on Social Networking. The next one will be concerning Twitter on September 24th in Asbury Park, NJ. If anyone wants to join us email me

1 comment:


    Not so much my business as my new personal quest. I purchased a puppy from a PUPPY store in Brick NJ and now have bills to keep it alive exceeding $3,000 and climbing.

    These little bundles of love need a voice so I guess I'm it. Please visit my website for the story and feel free to forward the link to anyone and everyone!
