
Friday, August 27, 2010

Getting the Word Out - Social Media

What is social media? Social Media is content that is published with a social component.

Social Media is Inbound/Outbound Marketing
- Social Media helps with SEO
- Social Media can help your blog and website
- Social Media is very permission centric
- Social Media is conversational in nature. Are you conversing?

Step 1: Engage!
Start conversations and add value to the conversation (just don't advertise your product). Ask and answer questions. Pick one media and just start! Could be any of the more popular ones like Face Book, Linked In or Twitter. There are many others.

Step 2: Share
Find out what your audience is interested in. Create, promote and share valuable content. Make friends!

Step 3: Measure and Analyze
Track the number of friends or connections you have. Measure real business results such as the effect of Social Media on the number of visits to your blog or website.

Presented by
Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Getting the Word Out - Blogs

What is a blog? A blog is a website that allows for posted content or articles.

Blogging is a form of Inbound Marketing
- Blogging helps with SEO
- Blogging is permission centric
- Blogging can be fun
- Bogging is a form of conversation are you taking part?

Step 1: Read
Search for blogs in you industry or you hobby using

Step 2: Comment
Contribute to the conversation by commenting on what you read. Increase the value of your comment by adding a point, add a useful link, ask a question, even disagree.

Step 3: Write
Add your own content and articles usually at least once a week. Write about something you know well. List ideas about your industry, publish a list of useful links, take a recent experience and share it. Answer questions you received recently from you clients and friends. Turn a press release into an article. A neat idea is to trade guest articles with a similar blogger. Promote on social media sites like Facebook and LinkeIn.

Step 4: Measure and Analyze
Track number of blog visitors, SEO rankings and blog rank. Measure real business results such as number of visitors to your website and leads generated.

presented by
Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Why 98% of Websites fail to make money!

That's an easy question! They fail to "Get the Word Out"!!! I, Richard M.J. Jarosz, President of Lone Keep Internet, Inc. do everything to help our clients to get the word out. Whether it is SEO work for them, assisting with a newsletter or getting them started with FaceBook, Linked In and Twitter. All of these simple techniques are geared for one thing and one thing only... Get the Word Out. And not necessarily consuming a large cash budget.

To this end we have monthly FREE seminars on a wide range of topics. This month, August 26th, we are holding one on the practical uses of Facebook and Linked In.

Another low cost or even FREE technique is placing a news item in the Jersey Shore Community Information Bulletin. But how may of my clients don't invest the time?

If you know of any other techniques to "Get the Word Out let me know....