
Monday, September 13, 2010

Promoting Content with Social Media - Facebook

Social Media is generating a lot of buzz right now among marketers and business owners. Business that can leverage social media to help distribute content and generally get the word out. Social media allows your customers and prospects to communicate directly with you online allowing interesting content to be spread quickly.

With more than 500 million users, Facebook has become the major player n the social media industry. It is the number 2 most visited site in the world, right behind Google which is number 1! While many people still think of it as a place for high school and college kids, it is actually a diverse network consisting of all demographics.

The first step in leveraging Facebook for business is to set up a business fan page like the one for Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

The second step is to suggest your business page to all your friends.

How many already have business fan pages?

1 comment:

  1. We stated a Facebook fan page for the White Lilac Inn and it was a slow start. We now have 77 fans and the list is growing.

    Keeping our fans up-to-date on the specials we have at the Inn and events going on in Spring Lake has been very helpful.
