
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Are you taking advantage of your Organization's free Promotion?

We all belong to Organizations; Chambers, Professional, Social, Business and list goes on. But do we really take part in some of the finer points of membership?

I'll cover two cases, one involving BNI and another a DMO. - a Business Networking group based here at the Jersey Shore is my first example. I am a member and while looking up some information about a fellow member before I called them I noticed that their website address was missing from their member listing. I also did not find the links to there Blog and their FaceBook Fan page! I know they have both. Looking at the other members of the group I noticed that most of them did not have their Social Media links listed.

Why was the question I ask? And I received a lot of excuses back. No reasons just a lot of excuses. "No one told me." "I don't know how." "Can't be bothered." The list goes on.

Jersey Shore Convention and Visitors Bureau - a DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) dedicated to promoting the Jersey Shore. Their website promotes their Twitter, FaceBook and Blog accounts. But when you check out each version of Social Media you find it under utilized. Again I heard the same litany of excuses.

Free Promotion - Both these organizations charge for membership and part of that membership goes to maintain the websites and Social Media platforms. Yet members do not take advantage of this portion of their membership. It's FREE promotion for them and their websites. When businesses are paying for links to their sites and when they pay for advertising, why do they ignore the FREE stuff? It's part of the paid membership... Use it!

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

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