
Thursday, March 17, 2011

The bo staff in Business?

The bo staff is usually made of hard wood, such as red or white oak, although bamboo has been used. The bō may be tapered in that it can be thicker in the center then at the ends. The average size of a bō is around 6ft but they can be a long as 9ft. The earliest form of the bow staff, has been used throughout Asia since the beginning of recorded history. No kidding since it started out as a walking stick carried by travelers and monks!

We all read the newspapers, watch TV or listen to the radio. But like the simple walking stick we never give it much thought. How did that news item wind up in the paper on or the radio? Simply it may have started as a news release. A simple release put out about a topic or interesting item. Something of note!

When was the last time you put out a news release? To tell the world about yourself, your business or even your website? The Internet now makes it very easy to do just that. Over the years we have used Constant Contact to build up our media database and help distribute our news releases via email. Simple but how many do the simple things to help our businesses.

Remember that 78 year old selling Singing Bears on the Internet I've spoken about before. When her website was relaunched we put out a news release. That got some coverage. Same with the Seminars we do. They have even been on the local radio stations. Clients have called and said they heard about my seminar on the radio! Now that's some nice news coverage.

So like the monks of old traveling down that road of life. Keep mindful of any thing that can be used....

Richard M.J. Jarosz
Lone Keep Internet, Inc.

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